Financing solutions tailored to your needs.


The challenge involved developing the new mobile application for Buy Way’s clients, accompanied by a complete rebranding to align with their new brand guidelines.

This encompassed a thorough rethinking of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design, alongside a strategic reevaluation of the development process. The goal was to ensure visual consistency and optimal user-friendliness while providing an enhanced customer experience that resonates with Buy Way’s values.

Agency Tapptic
Expertises Design Development Life cycle Strategy
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Compliant with the European security standards PSD2.

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Performs 3D Secure validations on the web.

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Compliant with the European security standards PSD2.

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Performs 3D Secure validations on the web.


Tapptic undertook the comprehensive development of a dedicated app, providing users with a robust range of features and capabilities. This app allows users to seamlessly access their transaction history, obtain detailed information about their bank card, and receive valuable advice regarding refunds. Moreover, users can efficiently manage multiple payment cards, conduct various banking transactions, and even perform 3D Secure validations while browsing the web. This extensive set of functionalities encompasses everything from account creation to card management, as well as money transfers and micro-credit services.

Through a meticulous testing approach, we meticulously fine-tuned each screen to ensure a seamless user experience. Close collaboration with our client was pivotal in validating and fine-tuning the user flows, ensuring they aligned perfectly with specific requirements. The resulting app empowers users with a powerful tool that effortlessly streamlines their financial management tasks while maintaining a user-centric and highly intuitive interface.